volunteer-rto-conesEach full team (7 to 12 runners) that has at least 6 runners residing within 30 miles of a point along the course needs to provide 2 volunteers. Each ultra team (6 or less runners) that has at least 3 runners residing within 30 miles of a point along the course needs to provide 1 volunteer.

There is an online sign up process for volunteers. Volunteers need to use that system to sign up for their assignment. We open the registration around March 1 every year. Stay tuned for announcements.

Please have your volunteers register through the online process by April 15 OR pay a fee of $90 per volunteer by April 15. We will use those monies to obtain volunteers if necessary, to spoil the volunteers who help us put on the event, and to make additional contributions to charities.

ADDITIONAL FEE: Teams who fail to meet their volunteer requirement by the April 15 deadline will be subject to an additional one-time penalty of $150. Each year we have dozens of teams who do not meet their volunteer requirements until days before the event. This makes putting on the event more challenging than necessary.

Pay For My Volunteers Volunteer Online Signup

If you have any questions, please contact Julie at julie@renorunningcompany.com.