Not much. One person needs to provide payment of the entire entry fee to create the team. This can be done either by check or online. For specific instructions see Registration.
If you pay by check, we also need you to fill out the Create a Team Form including a contact for the team, who we will treat as the captain. The Form includes the person’s email, phone number, address, estimated time to complete the relay, division for the team and team name. You can change the division and category up until the start of the race if your team composition changes that late in the game. You can change the team name until May 1st.
Please note that you do not have to have your full team when you sign up your team. You will have your runners register on your team online which includes signing the release form. Please be aware of specific deadlines provided on the Registration page.
But be confident that you will have a full team on race day, because we have a no refund policy.
And we will need everyone on your team to become familiar with the rules. Please see the Runners Handbook for the most up-to-date information.